Message from the President: renew your membership or become a member of the IRPS

Dear colleagues:

As we all are aware, scientific societies play a massively important role in the progress of science. They give their members opportunities to engage with great minds, explore ground-breaking scientific methods and share their own discoveries–small or great. Scientific societies promote first-hand discussion and opinion exchange, and be encouraged and inspired by the achievements of our colleagues, and our role for the society at large in promoting the public health. In particular, scientific societies exist to encourage the next generation of scientists and scientific leaders.

For these reasons, we would like to appeal for your enthusiastic participation to become a formal member of IRPS, to participate in the Society’s activities, to propose symposia/plenary speakers to shape the upcoming RegPep2025, and to nominate yourself to be council members/officers for IRPS and even to propose yourself as a future President-elect/organizer of future RegPep meetings. Please be mindful that all the IRPS officers and councilors work for the Society voluntarily and every cent we raise from the membership and registration etc, returns to the international scientific community – it is our firm commitment.

With warm regards, Limei Zhang (Mexico), Presidents of IRPS (2021-2024)


This membership due entitles you to:

  • Reduced registration rates at RegPep world conference which take place biannually
  • Research awards for members
  • Trainee travel awards for members (application for early career research (ECRs) travel awards for RegPep25) 
  • Right to vote and to be eligible to compete for Society’s leadership positions every two years during the General Assembly held at a given RegPep World Conference (applicable for regular and distinguished members)

Please download and fill the IRPS application and send it to

Renew your IRPS membership

Please proceed to pay the corresponding biennial 2024 – 2025 membership dues.

Membership Type Fee (USD)
Regular Member 100
Student Member 50

IRPS activity cycle is approximately 24 months so the period of membership renewal runs from Jan 1st to the date of General assembly where the election is performed. Membership is valid for 1st Jan of the year of a given RegPep meeting till 31st December of the following year that online activities and regional workshops are being organized among the general membership